Activities and Events
Eastern Shore Rover Crew is a crew that like to do a bit of everything, especially when it comes to the adventurous outdoors. We aim to be as diverse as possible with winter trips for skiing and snowboarding, rowing and sailing in the warmer seasons, rock-climbing and abseiling to four wheel driving at any other time. As well as outdoor activities we also do more social activities, including nights at our Den. The Crew regularly provide service within Scouting and the wider community.

Crew members helping out at a Bunnings BBQ fundraiser, 2024
The crew attends the Scout & Guide Regatta every year where many crew members participate in the organised activities such as rowing races, Tug of War contest, line heaving and gum boot throws, plus Kayaking and Iron Man races.

Crew members present at an annual Regatta
Statewide Rover Events
We also regularly attend most Rover moots around the state. There are also three annual Rover moots organised in Tasmania: Summer Moot, Easter Moot, and Winter Moot. The last moot organised by the Eastern Shore Rover Crew was the Easter Moot of 2014. An annual Raft Race is also held annually where 'dodgy' rafts constructed by the crews are raced down one of the state's wild rivers - most Rovers would agree that this is a fun thing to do, and a good excuse to have a beer at the end of the day. All these events span multiple days and the crew usually camps at various locations.